I like it!,, but why doesn't it fit the window?
I've played it in a few different browsers just in case.. but it seems like the game doesn't fit inside it's own window! :(
Easily 3 more stars from me if it did :)
I like it!,, but why doesn't it fit the window?
I've played it in a few different browsers just in case.. but it seems like the game doesn't fit inside it's own window! :(
Easily 3 more stars from me if it did :)
No xhtml?
Get with the times, tables are not used for layout design anymore and the bgcolor attribute is also obsolete, try the div tag, it is much more pliable than a table anyway... This would never pass current validation tests.
Its still a way to program a website...look out there a lot of websites use this programming language and this is a way to learn css and html not xhtml and it is for beginners and i dont think beginners should be learning hardcore div action
This is fantastic!
Ken Kennedyism and all of its followers demand a more in depth version!
...KEN EH DAY! ...ISM!
Age 42, Male
IT Profesional
Franklin Lakes, NJ
Joined on 1/9/06